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"The performance of the night comes from ideally poised Madeline Robinson as the young female lead. In addition to a perfectly placed soprano voice that goes from sweetness to steel, she has delicious comic timing. Playing initially demure Rose Maybud, she blooms." - The Stage

"Here was singing of captivating beauty, the text visible in her facial expressions and every syllable clearly heard in her purity of tone and faultless sense of pitch and articulation." John Dunston 

"Soaring above the rest of the cast, both vocally and morally, soprano Madeline Robinson in the role of Virginia delivered purity both of tone and character, with acting ability the equal of her remarkable vocal talents." - Planet Hugill

"It's Robinson who steals the show, however, with a rare gift for comedy alongside her glorious voice." - Ron Simpson

"...with Robinson able to flex her wildly talented vocals multiple times throughout the evening. Her range, both in tone and dynamic range, is something to behold." - Longstaff Reviews

"..immaculate and sensitive singing..." Julia Bentham

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